For catching catfishes by braided line and monofilament line, anglers have different opinions. Some are suggesting braid for its good strength, and some for mono for its good starching capability. But it depends on the water quality, the structure of the bottom of the water body, and the fish to be caught. Both have some pros and cons for fishing. So, Mono or braid for catfish: which will win? For me, the monofilament line has better advantages than the braided line for catching catfish. Let’s find out why mono is good.
For a better understanding, let’s go through the pros and the cons of both fishing lines.
Monofilament Fishing Line for Catfishes
Catching catfish’s mono is chosen by anglers as I say before for its good stretch property. Compared with the braid, it has a low price. Generally, mono is used for its abrasion-resistant for catching catfishes. For this characteristic, it can glide over rocks and underwater obstacles, which makes it easy to through a long distance. On the other way as catfishes love to live in the hidden area of the water body such as in vegetation or holes or under fallen trees etc. This abrasion-resistant property gives great advantages for baiting catfish in hole or other structures.

For the good strength of mono, it can be used for catching a good size of catfish. The color of the mono is different from daytime to nighttime. It glows at night when light is falling on it. For night fishing, it gives extra benefits.
That is all the good terms about mono, but there have some disadvantages to using mono. For stretch property, the line becomes thinner and loses its strength. Sometimes it’s tearing apart for this reason. It has a little memory and can use a few times.
The sensitivity is not good for mono to catch fish. Sometimes you may not feel the knock of bait hitting. For this reason, some anglers are not suggesting using mono for catching catfishes. This can also easily break, and rolling is easy too.
In a short the pros and the cons of mono are given below compared with braid:
- Good abrasion-resistant
- Low price
- Good stretch property
- Have little memory
- Sensitivity is not good
Braided Fishing Line for Catfishes
Braid is another fishing line that is popular among anglers to catch catfishes. Some anglers suggest braiding to catch catfishes for their good strength and sensitivity.

Braid doesn’t stretch, for this, there is an improvement for the long-distance trough. This is good, but sometimes your rod may break for lacking this stretch. It’s so slippery and small in diameter to make it difficult to tie the knot.
Small diameter gives extra advantages to fly long distances with super smooth casting and pack more line onto the reel. When you pull fish, the braid is won among the braid and mono race. This criterion of this line also helps with deep fishing.
Sensitivity makes it more useful among catfishing anglers. You can feel the full knock of bait hitting because it’s no stretch. The braid is more expensive than mono.
Braid is good for a heavy weedy area like lily pads, hydrilla, water hyacinths, and cattails for fishing. It’s cut through this water vegetation. Braids also float on the water, which is good for topwater bait.
Braids are visible in water and using several times the color is taken off. It does not have any memory too.
For me above all this criterion of braid give benefit to saltwater fishing not to freshwater catfishes (find a major difference in “Freshwater Fishing vs Saltwater Fishing”). Yes, for its good strength and sensibility, you can get the benefits to catch a larger size of catfish.
In a short the pros and cons of braid are given below compared with mono:
- Good strength
- Sensitive
- No memory
- Smooth casting
- Long-distance fishing
- Expensive
- Low abrasion-resistant
- Does not have stretch
Mono or Braid for Catfish: Criterion of Fishing Line
Catfishes are very powerful in strength, different types, and different sizes. They have great visual contact and different eating habits. So, before buying a line to catch catfishes you must combine the character and properties of both catfish and the line. So, let’s move on to know the basic difference between braid and mono fishing lines.
Stretch: Mono
The stretch capability of a fishing line gives you an extra benefit to pulling out the catfish from the water.
Strength: Braids
For a larger size catfish, you must need good strength and good quality fishing line. Compared with mono, braids give you great strength.
Tough water body structure: Mono
Catfishes like to make their habitation in hidden areas like in holes, under rocks, under fallen trees or leaves, etc. Mono gives you a great advantage over braids to reach the bait to the catfishes in this hard water body structure.
Heavy weedy waterbody: Braids
For hunting small fishes, catfishes hide in water vegetation areas of low deep water. Having a thin diameter and smooth casting braids can give you extra benefits to bait in weeds and pull out.
Sensitivity: Braids
Braids have a greater sensibility to the knock in the bait than mono.
Abrasion-resistant: Mono
Both are good in abrasion-resistant, but mono gives you a better abrasion-resistant than braids. This criterion of the fishing line gives you to pull out fish from the tough water body.
Color: Mono
Catfishes have good visual contact; they can easily see all around them in muddy water. Generally, mono is transparent and braids have a different color. So, mono gives you extra benefits in this situation.
Diameter: Mono
In diameter, mono is less thin than braids, which gives you better gripes to hold the line.
For me, mono gives a better advantage than braids to catch catfishes. It may give you different results for you. So, analyze the environment of the water body and the size of the catfishes you may catch. Then choose the fishing line whether mono or braids for catfishes which may give you a better result.
Question & Answers
What color braided line is invisible to fish?
Fish are not able to see colors in the same way that humans do, so the color of the line is not a major factor in making it invisible to fish. Fish can detect changes in light and shadows, so they are more likely to be able to see a fishing line if it is causing a disturbance in the water, such as creating a wake, or if it is brightly colored and shiny.
However, the color of the line can be important when fishing in clear water, as it can impact the visibility of the line to the angler. Clear or low-visibility colors, such as clear, blue, green or camo, can help to make the line less visible to the angler, and thus can help to reduce the chances of spooking the fish. In contrast, brightly colored lines like yellow or orange can be easier to see, but also can be more likely to be spotted by the fish.
Ultimately, the most important factor in making a fishing line invisible to fish is the technique used to cast and present the bait or lure. A stealthy approach, using a good reel and rod, with a light drag and line, and a good knot, are key to have a successful fishing experience.
Are fish scared of braided line?
Fish may or may not be scared of braided line depending on the context and scenario. Fish can be sensitive to changes in their environment, including the presence of fishing line, but the reaction of fish to braided line can vary depending on the species and the condition of the fish.
Braided line is generally considered to be more visible to fish than monofilament or fluorocarbon lines, as the multiple strands that make up the braid can create more glare in the water. However, some anglers argue that due to the color and texture of the braid, fish may not be able to detect it as well as other lines.
Additionally, braided line is known to have very little stretch, which can allow anglers to detect a bite faster and with more sensitivity, but it can also be more visible to fish. Because of this lack of stretch, the fish may be able to detect the tension and pressure of the line, which can make it more likely to spook the fish.
It’s worth noting that some species of fish are more sensitive to changes in their environment than others, and different conditions such as water clarity, sunlight or wind direction can affect the visibility of the line. In other words, the best approach is to test the different type of lines and decide which one works best for the species, location and weather condition you are fishing.
Ultimately, the most important factor in avoiding spooking fish when using braided line is to use proper casting techniques and to be aware of the conditions of the fishing location, and adjust the line, drag, and bait/lure accordingly.
Why do fisheries ban braided line?
Fisheries may ban the use of braided line because it is more difficult to break under tension compared to monofilament line, which means that a fish that is caught on braided line is more likely to break free before being landed. Additionally, braided line is more visible underwater and can spook fish, making it less effective for catching them. Another reason is because of the strength of the braid line and its ability to slice through other fishing lines or nets, thus putting other fishing boats or fishery resources at risk.
Can fish really see braid?
Fish can see a variety of colors and patterns, including those of braided fishing line. Fish are sensitive to light, and they can detect changes in the level of light in their environment. They also have specialized cells in their eyes called rods and cones that allow them to detect different wavelengths of light. It is well known that fish are more likely to detect fluorescent and dark colors over lighter ones, and braid lines are often made of high-visibility material and brighter colors. Thus, it is possible that some fish can see braided fishing line and may be spooked by its visibility underwater.
However, it’s worth noting that the visibility of a fishing line isn’t the only thing that might spook fish. Fish are also sensitive to vibrations, smells and changes in the water’s flow and pressure. Thus, a fishing line may spook fish not only by the way it looks, but also the way it behaves in the water, like with the way it moves or stretches.
What is the life expectancy of braided fishing line?
The life expectancy of braided fishing line can vary depending on a number of factors, including the quality of the line, the conditions under which it is used, and how often it is used.
Braided lines have a high abrasion resistance and low stretch which makes them more durable than monofilament lines. They can last several months or even up to a year if they are used under normal conditions and not subjected to excessive wear and tear.
However, Braided lines can lose their strength and integrity over time if they are stored in direct sunlight or if they are exposed to chemicals or pollutants. They may also degrade faster if they are used frequently in saltwater or in areas with a lot of rocks or other sharp objects.
It’s also important to note that the fishing line does weaken over time, so it’s important to check the strength of the line periodically, particularly before going out for a fishing trip, to make sure it’s still safe and reliable. Regularly inspecting and changing the fishing line as necessary is important for safety and effective fishing.
Does braid cast further than mono?
Braided fishing line generally has a smaller diameter than monofilament line of the same breaking strength, which can make it more aerodynamic and allow it to cast farther. Because it is thinner, it creates less wind resistance, which means that it can be cast with less effort and can travel farther through the air.
Additionally, because of the low stretch properties, it allows for a greater sensitivity and control on the rod and also a better transfer of energy. This can help to increase casting distance and accuracy.
However, the casting distance of a line also depends on the skill of the angler, the type of fishing rod and reel, and the conditions under which the line is being cast. Even though braid casts further than mono in many cases, it doesn’t mean that it will be the case for every angler, fishing gear and situation. Some angler might prefer monofilament for other characteristics that it presents.
It’s also worth mentioning that braid can also be more difficult to handle and control than monofilament, especially for new or inexperienced anglers, and it may take some time to get used to casting with it.
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